30 de gen. 2008

Sounds funny

One kind of humour quite popular with English speakers is where phrases which sound the same can have two different meanings.

One example of this is with the names of authors of books. For example:

"Moving Home", by Ivor Newhouse (I've a new house)

Here you have more examples. Try to guess what is the punch line!!!! (with the correct pronunciation, you'll get it!

"The explosion" by Dinah Mite
"Drums and trumpets" by Ivor Headache
"Make money easily" by Robin Banks
"Road transport" by Laurie Driver
"Crime prevention" by Laura Norder
"Keep trying" by Percy Vere
"The lady artist" by Andrew Pictures
"Outdoor clothes" by Ann O'Rack
"So tired" by Carrie Mee
"Jungle Fever" by Amos Quito
"At the south pole" by Ann Tarctic
"Solitude" by I. Malone
"On the beach" by C. Shaw
"Make the most of life" by Maxie Mumm

1 comentari:

Aifan ha dit...

bastant graciós; especialment el
""Keep trying" by Percy Vere"


això em recorda a uns acudits amb phrasal verbs que vem fer l'altre dia a classe, del rollo:

- Why is a pocket calculator reliable?
- Because you can always count on it


A large hole has appeared in the wall of the local nudist camp. The police are looking into it.